Friday, September 12, 2014

Oh hey, Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone! 

One.// This song makes me happy. Listen to it. Love it. 

Two.// It is banana season here in Brazil. And since the mountain has so so so many banana trees, there have been a bin of bananas out on the counter in the Cafeteria every day. I have been taking advantage and grabbing a couple bananas every night to have for breakfast the next morning. Two sliced bananas and a spoon of peanut butter has been my breakfast every single day this week, and I am not complaining!

Three.// Speaking of those bananas, I went to the bin that is put out for the boys - and realized that quite a few of them were very very ripe. Knowing that they would be thrown out, I snatched them up for some banana bread. Then, I was browsing pinterest and came across these! Those muffins look so good, I have every intention of trying them out this weekend. It has been a bit since I have made sweets for the boys, and these look like the winner.

Four. // When Paul and Nancy came to visit, they brought me these two treats (among others). I lit the candle yesterday, and was so happy about the 'Fall Smell' that filled my living room. And....I am more than excited about these bags of candy corn! 
Five. // Last, but not baby sister turned 15 on Wednesday. 15...can you believe it? I can't. We skyped on Tuesday night, and I made her do dares to open her presents, which had me and my mama in tears-laughing at her. Possibly the best part of my week. 
And..that is all for today. 

Hope you all have an amazing weekend! 

 photo H54Fbutton_zps973d26e1.pngMomfessionals


  1. I also know the thrill of candy corn when living abroad--no lie, I dreamed about candy corn last night. :P

    1. Haha, that is funny. The things that we crave/dream about while abroad is insane. I was never really the biggest fan of peanut butter...but now, it is the best stuff in the entire world! ;)
