Friday, August 29, 2014

Oh hey, Friday! is Friday, again.

Here are a few things going on this week:

One. // We got a new kitchen sink today. Our old one had a crack in it from the day we moved in (over a year and a half ago) but recently got way worse. I think we were literally days away from having the thing crack in half, so praise God we got this new one in before that happened. Now, just to wait for the adhesive to dry, so I can clean it all up. 

Two. // Way back when Paul and Nancy decided to ditch us (just kidding!) and head back to the US - they were so very kind and gave us a TON of stuff. One of those things, were a bag of Marshmallows. Well, into the cupboard they went - and there they stayed. Recently, I realized that they were about to expire (!) so I quickly made marshmallow topped brownies this week. They were super rich - but super yummy.

Three. // Speaking of Paul and Nancy, the countdown for them to arrive has started. They will be here September 1st, and we all can not wait.

Four. // How cute are these two? I really can't even handle it. The other day she asked for my hand, and walked me to my front door - then when we got inside (I figured she wanted a cookie or to see Tyson, like usual) she said, "Tio No??" and began to cry when I said he wasn't at home. So sweet.

Five. // I know I wrote about my love for the online devotional blog #shereadstruth (its an app, too!) but, I'm going to talk a little more about it. This week we started a new study on the book of Hosea, and I am loving it. It is a 17 day study through the entire book of Hosea, and it focuses on our idol-factory hearts and unfaithfulness...and shows us how truly we are loved by a relentless, faithful and merciful Father. Today is only day 4 and already I have gotten so much out of it. 

 photo H54Fbutton_zps973d26e1.pngMomfessionals

Happy Labor day weekend to you all. <3 


  1. AMEN!! What a beautiful truth that God pursues us!!!

    1. It is a beautiful and completely humbling truth! <3
