Friday, August 1, 2014

Oh hey, Friday! // July Favorites

Oh hey, nice it is to see you again. And, Hellooo August. I am so happy to see August. Contrary to the United States, August in Brazil means warm weather is on it's way. August means this rain will go away. August means more pool days, and beach trips. And I am one hundred percent fine with that. So, today we will officially say good bye to July - with Five things I loved about July.

{One} July 02nd was our first day back at Hope after taking our Vacation time in June, and it was such a good day. Three of our boys celebrated their birthday on this day - so we were able to come back in time to throw them a nice little party. You can read more about that party HERE
{Two} I have truly enjoyed getting to know the new 'House Parents' this month. We have had BBQ's together, dinners together, had each other over for coffee/snack, and spent many hours just talking and getting to know one another. It has been nice. 

{Three} I loved our little "Festa de Julhinho". If you didn't read about it, you can HERE. We had the best time dressing up like 'Cowboys' and doing field games. The boys won so many prizes, and there was so much food. It was definitely one of the best days in July.

{Four} Our last minute Fourth of July Party. Obviously, Fourth of July is not a celebrated holiday in Brazil - so unless we make it into a special day, it will go by like any other day. For Lindsey and I, that was not at the last minute, we decided to make Hamburgers with fries and a very patriotic cake. She put decorations up at her house, and the four of us had a great time celebrating our Independence.

{Five} I have loved all the plants that have made their way into our home this month. I love the life that it brings to our home. Plus, green is my favorite color. :)
And there you have it, Five things I loved about July. Have a great weekend! 

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  1. Stopping by from the link up again... Love plants in the house... if only I didn't kill them all!!

    <3 Sarita

  2. haha, I totally know what you mean Sarita. I have searched and searched for 'hard to kill house plants' and am finally getting the hang at this green thumb thing. ;) Succulents are great starters!
