Sunday, August 31, 2014

Currently. {Vol. 13}

Hey there! Welcome to Currently, where I share what we are currently up to each week - and the goal(s) we have for the coming week.

Writing: I have been doing quite a bit of writing around here this past week. I wrote a couple letters to send home to friends and family - cause there is nothing I love more than a little snail mail. I also have started to translate a couples devotional. My goal is to have enough of it translated so that we can start going through it together starting the beginning of 2015. 

Dancing to: This song. I have a thing with having music going in the kitchen while I am cooking, or cleaning....there is something always playing. This week, I've been stuck on this song. He steady's my heart. 

Craving: This is not a good subject for me to get on. I crave way too many things, these days. I had a conversation the other day with my (mailman) sister, Marina, about how I never would have considered myself a "Foodie" before moving to another country. I always liked food, obviously, but there weren't times where I found complete joy in it, like I do when we find something from the US now. I had a Campbells can of tomato soup (thanks, Lindsey) the other day, and it was truly The Best Soup in the Entire World. Chinese, and Mexican food are always high on the "cravings list" as well.

Anticipating: Warm weather. I would much rather be heading into fall right now, but since Brazil does not even know what Fall is, I would really just like for Summer to get here. These pouring down rain days are just not fun. I am a Cali-girl through and through, give me a blazing sun and beach/pool days, and I am a happy girl. These crazy boys are also a whole lot more content when the sun is shining and they have things to do. 

Thankful for: I am thankful for last nights service with the boys. It had a completely different feel to it, and it was so refreshing to my heart. For worship, there were no instruments, or microphones. We all put our chairs in a circle, clapped our hands (we need to have a class on clapping on beat), and sang. The boys were able to choose songs that they wanted to sing, and a couple of them did "specials" in the middle of the circle. It was sweet to see them want to sing a worship song. After worship, Pastor Carlos gave the message - and it was a good one. He talked about who God was to each of us, and how that is something we need to identify on our own. He also talked about how we need to give God something to work with - that we can't expect our lives to be perfect and great, if we aren't doing our part in seeking. 

Goals of the week: 
[Last week]
  1. Bake something for the boys (they have been asking for two weeks). Chocolate cake, check!
  2. Give English Classes. check! 
  3. Go through my clothes. Pack away/Give away anything I don't wear. I did this week, I have too many clothes that just don't fit me right anymore.
  4. Play cards with the boys one evening. Nope, didn't do this. 
  5. Write 3 hand written letters, just because. check! 
[This week.]
  1. Send off letters. 
  2. Play cards with the boys. 
  3. Have a girls day, away from the mountain. 
  4. Cook/bake something new. 
  5. Continue translating devotional book. 
Verse of the week: 
Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord;
His going out is sure as the dawn;
He will come to us as the showers,
as the spring rains that water the earth.
— Hosea 6:3

A Mama Collective


  1. Hi Janel! I'm linking up with The Mama Collective and came across your blog. It's still the summer time here in the states and I cannot wait until the cool weather of fall comes. Nothing better than cooler breezes, pumpkin spiced lattes and cute sweaters and scarves.

    1. Ah, so jealous! I would love nothing more than to be heading into fall right now! But...heading into summer is not so bad either. Thanks for stopping by, I'll return the gesture. :) Have a good week!

  2. Love me some Kari Jobe!! And I crave Mexican food literally EVERY day. For my husband's sake, I have to incorporate different types of food into the rotation or he would go crazy. ;)

    1. Ha, I know what you mean. We have found a whopping ONE authentic Mexican Restaurant here, and the husband knows that if I am the one choosing, we will go out to eat there, every single time! Or Subway. :)

  3. as a fellow expat, i totally understand the craving of the mexican food...when i get back to the states, that's the first thing i want! give me a taco! :) (coming over for the currently link up!)

    1. Totally there with ya, Whitney. Off the plane, and straight to Chipotle, Every Single Time! :)

  4. Such a good idea to have goals of the week like this! I also hope to cook something new. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks Anne, I'm a these goals help me keep on track! :)

  5. welp you just gave me a new song to listen to on repeat! i need to figure out how to cook things besides eggs and mac n cheese :)

    1. Yes, that song is so good....I listen to it at least two times a day! And, I only started learning how to cook things after I got married, its definitely been a journey, haha. :)
