Friday, August 15, 2014

Oh hey, Friday! // Highlights

It is Friday, lovely Friday.

Isanon is off today - so we have every intention of staying in our pajamas until 3pm and binge watching 24 on Netflix.

Here are some highlights from our week!
One // This past Sunday was Father's Day here in Brazil. Before we left for our little Anniversary weekend, some of the boys gave Isanon some cards and letters that they had made for him. Reading their messages made me smile. Many of them said something along the lines of, "Happy Father's Day, I know you are my Tio (All the boys call the House Dads Uncle) and not my Dad, but you are like a Dad to me. You can be really annoying sometimes and make us do chores, but most of the time you are really cool. Sorry for my attitudes." Haha, these crazy boys make me laugh! 
Two // Isanon has been wanting a new study bible for a couple weeks now - and we finally bought one this past week. One of my favorite parts of our trip was that Isanon would read out-loud from the bible while I was getting ready in the hotel. 

Three // Anybody else take advantage of elevator mirrors for selfies? Haha, we have a problem, I know.Four // Isanon took me out to Chinese food for our Anniversary, and it pretty much made me the happiest person in Brazil. It has been over a year since I have had Chinese food - and the fact that they had real authentic-tasting Sweet & Sour Chicken, was the greatest thing ever!

Five // This boy makes me smile. He leaves his short, white hairs all over this rug - but he is too cute to shoo off of it. 
Hope you all have a great weekend! 

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