Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Currently. {Vol. 06}

A Mama Collective

Thinking about: our crazy boys. Isanon is officially back on the 'clock' tomorrow - and I think we are both ready. As much as we enjoyed and took advantage of every single minute of this Vacation time - we miss these boys and all the craziness that comes along with being their 'house parents'. Tomorrow also happens to be the birthday of 3 of our boys - so coming back to giving a big party is always fun. 

Reading: Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. Im close to halfway through it, and so caught up in the story. Its one of those novels that go back and forth between the present - and the past. So far, I have found myself way more caught up in the past story than the present. 

Listening to: Ever since returning from Recife, I can not get the song Let it Go out of my head. My niece, Brenda, sang it constantly while we were there and it would get stuck in all our heads. She would sing it in English too - it was the cutest thing!    

Watching: World Cup, anyone? Ha. I dreaded these Soccer games so much...but I've actually gotten pretty into them. It helps that both my teams (Brazil and USA) are still hanging in there. The husband and I have also started watching 24 on Netflix. We have both watched episodes before, but never the whole thing through...so we started at the very beginning and plan on watching through all the seasons. 

Thankful for: this husband of mine. Without getting too sappy, (nobody loves a sap!) I just have to say that I am truly blessed. He gets me, and understands me....and does his absolute best to make me happy - and for that, I am grateful. 
Goals for this week:
last week
  • I have no other goal for this week but to relax and take advantage of this time.  Lots of relaxing was done, and we for sure took advantage! 
This week

  • clean out the fridge and defrost my freezer. 
  • Take Ty for walks/outside every day. 
  • Make cookies or something for the boys, just because. 
  • Do schedule for English classes. 

Verse of the week: Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22


  1. Frozen is my life, my daughter is obsessed, isn't catchy?! My husband is big soccer fan, so we also have been watching world cup non-stop...sad loss today =( ....what beautiful boys you are in charge of cherishing! Thanks for linking up this week!

    1. Cassie, thanks for stopping by! It was a sad loss yesterday! I hung on to hope until the last minute...I secretly wanted USA to do better than Brazil, lol.
