Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Currently. {Vol. 04}

A Mama Collective

Thinking about: How much I need to get done before we leave on Thursday. We are so excited about our vacation time and being able to see Isanon's family. It has been (exactly) a year since we have seen his parents, and even longer since seeing his brother's family. I have started a packing list and a 'to-do' list of things I need to get done before we depart - and should be checking things off now....but, blogging is way more fun. 

Reading: This past week has been a busy one and I haven't done much reading, but I am okay with that - because it has been a great week! Speaking of 'to-do' lists, picking out which book to take with me to Recife is on the top of that list! 

Listening to:  Lately, I have been listening to a lot of Jesus Culture. I wake up in the morning and put their playlist on shuffle - and let it play most of the day. Last week we had a mini-service with the boys here, and the speaker talked about music. The gist of what he was saying was how important it is to guard what we let go into our ears. It resonated and convicted me. I need to be more conscious of the music I am filling our home with. 

Watching: Once again, not much TV watching went on this week. The world cup is starting though, so that will definitely be watched this next week. I am sure Isanon will be wearing that thing on his head during every game!
Thankful for: A busy week. This past week and a half has been great. We had a couple come visit Hope with their 18 month old daughter. They are praying about making the decision to move here and become house parents. Spending time with them and their little one has been fun. Also, Paul and Nancy were here for a visit! I can not sing them praises enough for the role that have in the boys' life (and ours). They are their grandparents. And true to the grandparent role, they spoil them. I am so thankful for the two of them. 

Goals for this week:
last week
  • Pack for vacation! = nope, still need to do that. 
  • Take Tyson for a walk every single day. = once again, poor Ty did not get a walk every single day this week. 
  • clean and organize nightstand drawers. = done! 
  • Do something for Isanon for (brazilian) Valentine's day. = present is bought, just need to finish planning the day for him. 
This week

  • Pack for vacation!
  • Give Tyson a bath before we leave. 
  • Enjoy family time! 
Verse of the week: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

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